
Have you been considering owning a Signarama? If so, you’re probably wondering if our brand is a good fit for you. After over 30 years in the business, we’ve helped plenty of franchisees get started, and we’ve identified a few key qualities that are important for any prospective franchisee. Today we’ll cover a few ways to know if you’re ready to make an investment in a Signarama franchise.

Are You Highly-Motivated to Grow Your Business?

Any investment requires a good deal of attention in order to flourish. Even if you’re a newcomer to the printing business, we can provide you with training to show you the ropes of running one of our stores. One thing we can’t provide you with is motivation. If you’re highly-motivated to grow you business and are ready to give it the care and attention a new business needs, chances are you have what it takes to make the most of an investment in one of our franchises.

Are You Financially Prepared to Make the Investment?

As with starting any new business, opening a Signarama franchise requires a significant financial investment. Review the criteria and make sure that you’re prepared to make this investment as comfortably as possible. You’ll notice that we ask our franchisees to be prepared with a certain amount of liquid capital. It’s important that our franchisees have enough savings in reserve to help them support their business during the initial few months when it’s still establishing a customer base. Many of our franchisees rely on financing options to help them make an investment in our franchise.

Are You Excited About Learning New Skills?

Signarama is proud to offer a highly-comprehensive training program. We’ve honed this program over more than 30 years in the business to give our franchisees all of the knowledge they’ll need when opening a Signarama franchise. As with learning any new business, there’s a  lot to learn! In our classroom training at our headquarters in West Palm Beach, Florida, you’ll learn everything you’ll need in order to manage one of our stores as effectively as possible, including how to produce orders, manage schedules and inventory, stay on top of record-keeping, and more. It’s important that you’re dedicated to learning this information and applying it in your store in order to make the most of this franchise opportunity.

Have You Done Your Research?

Opening a Signarama is a great investment opportunity, and it’s important that you do your research in order to understand what you can expect from your investment. While no one can predict how any business will perform at the outset, you can set reasonable expectations by researching the community and demographic, industry performance, our franchise disclosure document, and more. Contact us today to learn more about what those reasonable expectations might look like!

These are just a few ways to tell that you’re ready for opening a Signarama franchise. Contact us today to learn more about the process!