
“Am I Really My Own Boss in the Franchise System?” and Other Important Questions

Let’s Talk Franchising

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When it comes to opening sign franchises, there are plenty of myths and misconceptions in the field. If you’re looking into opening a Signarama location for yourself, chances are you’ve been asking some questions about what the experience is like. Below are a few common questions we get a lot at Signarama. Read on to learn more about getting into the sign industry!

Am I Really My Own Boss in the Franchise System?

One common misconception about running a franchise is that franchisees have no flexibility and need to answer to their franchisor in the same way they would answer to a “boss.” While sign franchises like Signarama have established policies and procedures that we ask our franchisees to adhere to, you have the freedom to make many decisions independently. When it  comes to the day-to-day operations of your store, you’ll largely answer only to yourself.

How Much Support Will I Really Receive?

Many potential franchisees worry that their franchisors will cut and run after the franchise agreement is signed, leaving franchisees alone to succeed or fail without guidance. Of all the sign franchises there are to choose from, we believe that one of the most important reasons Signarama stands out is because of the outstanding training and support we offer to our franchisees. We’ll be there to help when it comes to everything from choosing a location to training your employees. When you choose Signarama, you’ll never have to worry about going it alone.

How Much Uncertainty is There in Franchising?

There is always risk involved in opening any new business and franchises are no exception. However, opting to franchise with Signarama can help to give you a better idea of the road ahead than opening a new business from scratch. Our experience in the industry has helped us to collect valuable data, such as demographic information that can be used to determine great areas to open new locations, and information on the performance of our other locations. This data can help our franchisees to make informed decisions, and to go into their investment with a stronger idea of the risks and rewards involved in opening a sign franchise with us.

These are just a few of the common questions receive regularly when it comes to opening new sign franchises. We’re excited to answer any other questions you may have — contact us today to learn more about the process of opening a sign franchise with Signarama!